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HEART & SOUL: Presentation by Dr. Anthony DeLuca on Abbe Pierre


ABBE PIERRE will be the subject of a presentation by Dr. Anthony DeLuca on Friday, June 7 at 6pm at Jackson Community Church in the Parish Hall. Co-hosted by Bartlett Congregational and Jackson Community Church.

TONIGHT, 6pm in JCC's parish hall: Dr. Anthony DeLuca will offer a presentation on the life and legacy of French cultural hero Abbe Pierre. Co-sponsored by Jackson Community Church and Bartlett Congregational Church. Free and open to the public. Light refreshments provided. In the spirit of Abbe Pierre's passions and causes, any goodwill offerings donated this evening will benefit the Way Station NH, a nonprofit that response to Mt Washington Valley's homeless and housing insecure residents.


  • Refreshments available (cookies & hot beverages)

  • Event is free and open to the public

  • Co-hosted by Bartlett Congregational and Jackson Community Church

  • Any donations to benefit the Way Station in honor of the lifework of Abbe Pierre

  • Dr. Anthony DeLuca serves as a guest preacher at the Bartlett Church. He will focus on the global impact of the inspirational life and legacy of a 20th century cultural hero whose name is Abbe Pierre. Pierre’s remarkable journey began when he followed in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assissi and entered a monastery at age 17. There, he committed himself to spreading a global message of giving and good will. During World War II, he joined the French Resistance and risked his own life in saving the lives of Jews who faced the prospect of being sent to labor camps inside Gemany, or worse yet, being arrested and sent to their death in concentration camps.After the war, he focused his efforts on the creation of an international network of community centers to serve the needs of the poor, the hungry and the homeless around the world.



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