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OPEN TUE before HOLIDAY, CLOSED THANKSGIVING (& Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve)


WAY STATION will be open on TUESDAY, Nov 24 this week (3-5pm). Call the WAY STATION at 603.452.7113 if you need help. We will not be open on Thanksgiving Day, as our volunteers have other commitments.

We will follow a similar model for the weeks of Christmas and New Years, by offering an open shift on Tuesday afternoon and remaining closed on Thursdays those weeks.

NOTE: We appreciate the turkey dinners that were recently donated by the Brown Church's food pantry (passed along from a donation of cooked turkey dinners made available by Shaws Supermarket) and the Assemblies of God church in Fryeburg to help our guests; these have either been delivered or are allocated to people with whom we regularly work.

PERPSECTIVE: To put this scenario perspective, only four of the households we currently support are stable enough to cook a meal, due to having shelter with a functioning kitchen. Another six households have access to fridges and microwaves, so they can heat up meals for their families. The remainder of our guests, and we see about 22-25 households per week, do not have facilities to heat up or cook a meal. Using the donations mentioned above, we're prepping "to go" meals that are already cooked, but will likely be eaten cold with plastic cutlery on paper plates, unless they also take advantage of the amazing meal being prepared by the American Legion!

HOT THANKSGIVING MEAL REMINDER: For anyone needing a hot meal on Thanksgiving Day (picked up by you or delivered to you), we urge you to contact the American Legion by Tuesday, Nov 24 to place an order. The American Legion's number is 603.447.3927.

THANK YOU: Finally, we recognize and appreciate that on a steadfast and weekly basis, the Vaughan Food Pantry (and also the Agape Food Pantry) help many of our guests. For all of these food ministries and so many more, including individuals who also donate in-kind groceries, we give thanks this week! This is a small glimpse into the network of pantries and meal-provision nonprofits such as End 68 Hours of Hunger who help up to 150 or more households every week and weekend.

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