A big, BIG thank you! Thank you! will never be enough but it will be a good start, all the efforts from our volunteers and support from the community have been outstanding and is much appreciated. We would like to give a huge thank you to Mandy McDonald and End 68 Hours of Hunger for the generous donation to us and our community. Also, John and Rachel Valk for their donation of clothing and supplies! Stay safe and cool during this fine summer week, and we appreciate you all! You are all valued and much needed.
Weekly news and highlights
I would like to give a big old welcome to Skyler Collins. Skyler will be joining our team as an intern for the summer semester, also her last semester before graduating with her degree in human services. Skyler joined us for the first time this week and did not hesitate to jump right in and get done what was needing to get done. Welcome to the team Skyler!
I will also be attaching information on New Hampshire Gives to this email. Please take a moment and read through it as it is a great opportunity to get your financial donation matched. Here is the link to our FaceBook event page for our NH Gives event.
Who we served and How
· The Way Station served 23 individuals and families this week.
· 5 of the 23 people served lacked housing. Living in tents, cars, and couches
· 4 are housed in a hotel
· 10 are housed in homes or trailers
· 8 are unknown living situations
· 1 of the 23 homes are new to the Way Station
We provided
· 11 Way Station food bags
· 20 gas cards ($400 value)
· 8 phone cards ($280 Value)
· 30 Laundry cards and pods to each ($450+ value)
· 13 rolls of toilet paper
· 11 Vaughn food bags delivered
· 2 tents and sleeping bags
· Countless warm and smiling faces to greet our guests as we delivered or met them at the door
Please remember, as the season is changing, so are the needs of our most vulnerable populations. As we move into the week coming, we have a request. If you, or someone you know, is interested in donating any items to the Way Station, please have them contact Dan. The Way Station is always looking for bottled water, pop-top canned goods, camping equipment, camping cookware and canteens, etc. I
f you, or someone you know, would like to learn more about volunteer work, please contact Dan.
If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please contact Dan. — Dan Lavigne (603) 452-7113 waystationnh@gmail.com